A Big Welcome To Our Partner Pubslush - Worlds Best Story

A Big Welcome To Our Partner Pubslush

08 May 2014

Founded by mother and daughter entrepreneurs, Hellen and Amanda Barbara, Pubslush is a global crowdfunding and analytics platform for the literary world. Our founders were inspired to create a more democratic publishing process after learning about the struggles of authors like J.K. Rowling, whose bestselling series was rejected by the 12 publishers to which it was initially sent. So many great authors have been dismissed to the infamous “slush pile.” Our name is derived from our mission to give authors the opportunity to get out of the slush pile, prove their talent and market viability, and successfully publish quality books.



A niche crowdfunding platform.

With our specialized focus on the literary world, Pubslush is able to cater our services to authors, publishing professionals and literary trendsetters. Our personalized customer service helps to ensure the success of Pubslush projects and offers valuable tools and services to help our campaigners succeed on Pubslush and beyond.




Vincent Salera

Founder @ World's Best Story™ amplifier of creativity & fun!