Best Books To Read That Make No Sense - Worlds Best Story
Best Books To Read That Make No Sense

Best Books To Read That Make No Sense

02 Jun 2024

Are you tired of predictable plots and straightforward narratives?

Do you crave stories that challenge your perception and leave you scratching your head? You’re in luck!

We’ve compiled a list of the best books to read that make no sense.

These books, with their perplexing plots and enigmatic characters, will push your imagination to its limits and keep you pondering long after you’ve turned the last page.

Why Read Books That Make No Sense?

Reading books that don’t follow conventional logic can be incredibly rewarding.

Here’s why:

  • Mental Stimulation: These books challenge your brain, making you think in ways you never have before.
  • Unique Perspectives: They offer fresh and unusual viewpoints, broadening your horizons.
  • Conversation Starters: These books make for great discussion topics with friends or book clubs.
  • Literary Appreciation: Understanding complex and abstract literature can deepen your appreciation for the art of storytelling.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into some of the most baffling books ever written.

Finnegans Wake by James Joyce

Finnegans Wake by James Joyce


James Joyce’s final work, “Finnegans Wake,” is notorious for its impenetrable prose and dreamlike narrative.

Written in a unique language that blends English with various other languages and puns, it’s a book that defies traditional reading.

Key Points

  • Language: A mix of multilingual puns, portmanteau words, and complex narrative structures.
  • Plot: Circular and fragmented, resembling a dream rather than a linear story.
  • Themes: Cyclical nature of history, mythology, and human consciousness.

Why It Makes No Sense

  • The narrative lacks a clear, linear progression.
  • Characters and events often morph into one another.
  • Joyce uses language in ways that obscure meaning rather than clarify it.

Why Read It?

  • For a profound and unique literary experience.
  • To explore the limits of language and narrative form.

House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski


“House of Leaves” is a modern classic of experimental horror fiction.

The book’s story revolves around a family that discovers their house is larger on the inside than it is on the outside.

Key Points

  • Format: Unconventional layout with text in different colors, directions, and fonts.
  • Narrative: Multiple layers of story, including footnotes and appendices.
  • Themes: Reality vs. perception, the unknown, and psychological horror.

Why It Makes No Sense

  • The book features erratic formatting and typographical oddities.
  • Different narrators and timelines intertwine, making the plot hard to follow.
  • It includes non-linear storytelling and nested narratives.

Why Read It?

  • For an immersive and interactive reading experience.
  • To delve into a psychological and spatial puzzle.

Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs

Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs


“Naked Lunch” is a surreal, non-linear narrative that dives into the dark world of addiction and control. Burroughs employs a cut-up technique, randomly slicing and rearranging text.

Key Points

  • Style: Fragmented and disjointed narrative structure.
  • Content: Graphic and controversial, dealing with themes of drug addiction and societal control.
  • Technique: The cut-up method creates a collage-like effect.

Why It Makes No Sense

  • The narrative jumps abruptly between scenes and characters.
  • Lacks a coherent plot and traditional character development.
  • Burroughs’ writing style is chaotic and hallucinatory.

Why Read It?

  • For a raw and visceral portrayal of addiction.
  • To experience the innovative cut-up technique.

The Third Policeman by Flann O’Brien

The Third Policeman by Flann O’Brien


This darkly comic novel combines elements of surrealism, philosophy, and absurdity. The protagonist, after committing a murder, finds himself in a bizarre world dominated by eccentric policemen and strange scientific theories.

Key Points

  • Tone: Dark humor with a philosophical undertone.
  • Plot: Circular and recursive, leading back to the beginning.
  • Themes: The nature of reality, identity, and existential absurdity.

Why It Makes No Sense

  • The storyline loops back on itself, creating a sense of endless repetition.
  • Characters and events are absurd and inexplicable.
  • Blurs the line between reality and hallucination.

Why Read It?

  • For its unique blend of humor and existential thought.
  • To explore a novel that defies conventional logic and structure.

Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon

Gravity’s Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon


Thomas Pynchon’s magnum opus is a dense, sprawling narrative set during the final months of World War II. The novel’s vast cast of characters and intricate plot make it a challenging but rewarding read.

Key Points

  • Style: Complex, with long sentences and elaborate descriptions.
  • Plot: Multi-threaded with numerous subplots and digressions.
  • Themes: Paranoia, conspiracy, and the impact of technology.

Why It Makes No Sense

  • The story is fragmented, with many tangents and side plots.
  • Characters and events are often surreal and bizarre.
  • Pynchon’s dense prose requires careful, attentive reading.

Why Read It?

  • For its rich, imaginative narrative and deep thematic content.
  • To experience one of the most ambitious novels of the 20th century.

Reading books that make no sense can be an exhilarating and enlightening experience.

These novels challenge conventional storytelling and push the boundaries of literary creativity.

They may not be easy reads, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Whether you’re a seasoned reader looking for a new challenge or someone seeking to expand your literary horizons, these books will provide a unique and unforgettable journey.

So, pick one up, dive in, and embrace the madness. You might find that in the chaos, there’s a deeper understanding waiting to be discovered.

Vincent Salera

Founder @ World's Best Story™ amplifier of creativity & fun!