Say Goodbye to Cluttered Bookshelves: How to Organize Your Book Collection Like a Pro - Worlds Best Story
Say Goodbye to Cluttered Bookshelves How to Organize Your Book Collection Like a Pro

Say Goodbye to Cluttered Bookshelves: How to Organize Your Book Collection Like a Pro

23 Feb 2023

How to Organize Your Book Collection

Are you tired of digging through piles of books to find the one you want?

Are your bookshelves overflowing with books in no particular order?

Organizing your book collection can be a daunting task, but with a little time and effort, it can be done.

Here are some tips to help you get started:

Assess Your Collection

The first step in organizing your book collection is to take stock of what you have.

Gather all your books together and go through them one by one.

Decide which ones you want to keep, which ones you want to donate or sell, and which ones you want to give away.

Sort Your Books

Once you have decided which books to keep, it’s time to sort them into categories. Here are some common ways to categorize your books:

  • By genre (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, etc.)
  • By author
  • By subject
  • By color
  • By size

Choose the sorting method that works best for you and start organizing your books accordingly.

book shelf organizing


Create a System

Once you have sorted your books, it’s time to create a system for organizing them. Here are some ideas:

  • Alphabetical order: This is a popular way to organize books, especially if you have a large collection. Sort your books by author’s last name and then by title.
  • Dewey Decimal System: If you have a large non-fiction collection, consider using the Dewey Decimal System. This system organizes books by subject and assigns a number to each subject.
  • Chronological order: If you have a collection of books that follow a series or timeline, consider organizing them in chronological order.
  • Personal preference: Ultimately, the way you organize your books should be based on your personal preference. If you prefer to organize your books by color or size, go for it!

Invest in Bookshelves and Storage

Now that you have a system for organizing your books, it’s time to invest in bookshelves and storage.

Make sure you have enough space for all your books and that they are easily accessible.

Consider adding additional shelving or storage options like bookcases, baskets, or cubbies.

organizing your books


Maintain Your Collection

Once your books are organized, it’s important to maintain them. Here are some tips:

  • Regularly dust and clean your bookshelves to keep them looking neat.
  • Consider investing in bookends to keep your books upright and in place.
  • Make sure to put books back in their proper place after you are finished reading them.
  • Donate or sell books you no longer want to keep your collection from getting too cluttered.

By following these tips, you can create a well-organized and easily accessible book collection. Happy reading!


Vincent Salera

Founder @ World's Best Story™ amplifier of creativity & fun!