Why We Leave Books Unfinished: An Exploration - Worlds Best Story
Why We Leave Books Unfinished

Why We Leave Books Unfinished: An Exploration

08 Feb 2023

Books have been a source of knowledge, entertainment, and escapism for centuries.

However, it’s not uncommon for readers to start a book but never quite finish it.

In fact, a study by YouGov found that 68% of British adults have left a book unfinished.

So, what prompts us to put down a book and never pick it up again?


One of the most common reasons for leaving a book unfinished is boredom.

If a reader isn’t engaged with the story, the characters, or the writing style, it’s unlikely that they’ll continue to read.

This is especially true if the book is poorly written or lacks a clear narrative structure.

If a reader feels like they’re forcing themselves to continue reading, it’s unlikely that they’ll finish the book.

Lack of Time

In our busy lives, time is often a precious commodity.

If a reader is struggling to make time for reading, they may abandon a book they’ve started.

This is especially true if they’re not particularly invested in the book or if they have other obligations that are more pressing.

Uninteresting Plot or Characters

Another reason why people may leave a book unfinished is if the plot or characters are uninteresting.

If the story isn’t engaging or if the characters are poorly developed, readers may lose interest and give up on the book.

This is especially true if the reader has high expectations for the book and is disappointed by what they find.

Difficulty Level

Some books are simply too difficult for some readers.

Whether it’s due to the writing style, the subject matter, or the level of detail, some books may prove too challenging for some readers.

In these cases, readers may abandon the book and move on to something that’s more accessible.

Personal Reasons

Finally, some readers may leave a book unfinished for personal reasons.

They may have had a life event that took them away from reading, or they may have lost interest in the book for no particular reason.

In some cases, readers may simply forget about the book and never return to it.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why people leave books unfinished.

Whether it’s boredom, lack of time, uninteresting plot or characters, difficulty level, or personal reasons, readers often put down books that they never quite get around to finishing.

However, it’s important to remember that everyone has different reading preferences, and what may not be engaging to one reader may be a page-turner for another.

So, if you’ve left a book unfinished, don’t be too hard on yourself – there’s always another book out there that’s waiting for you to discover it.

Tips for Reading More Books:

Make Reading a Priority:

Allocating dedicated time for reading can help you make progress with a book and ensure that you’re able to complete it.

Try setting aside some time each day, or each week, specifically for reading.

Choose Books that Interest You:

Reading should be enjoyable, so make sure to choose books that you’re genuinely interested in.

This could be anything from a gripping thriller to a classic novel, or even a non-fiction book on a topic that you’re passionate about.

Create a Reading List:

Having a list of books to read can help you stay organized and motivated.

You can also prioritize the books you’re most excited to read and track your progress.

Find a Comfortable Reading Environment:

Having a comfortable reading environment can enhance your reading experience and make it more enjoyable.

Find a place where you can relax and escape into the world of the book.

Read in Chunks:

Breaking up reading into smaller, manageable chunks can help you avoid burnout and make it easier to stick with a book.

Try reading for 30 minutes at a time, or a set number of pages each day.

Join a Book Club or Reading Group:

Joining a book club or reading group can provide accountability and encouragement to continue reading.

It can also be a fun way to discuss books and share your thoughts with others.

Turn off Distractions:

Minimizing distractions, such as turning off your phone, can help you stay focused and immerse yourself in the book.

Use E-readers or Audiobooks:

If you find it difficult to find time to read, consider using an e-reader or audiobooks.

These allow you to read while on the go or while doing other activities, such as cooking or exercising.

By following these tips, you can cultivate a love for reading and enjoy the many benefits that come with it, such as increased knowledge, improved vocabulary, and enhanced imagination.

Vincent Salera

Founder @ World's Best Story™ amplifier of creativity & fun!