Joe Sisto
Entertainment Lawyer

Joe Sisto has acted as production counsel on over 45 first-class motion picture, television, and home video productions of international caliber with budgets totaling approximately half a billion US dollars and has been consulted on dozens more. He represented major Hollywood studios, private and institutional financiers in North America and Europe, independent producers, distributors, award-winning writers, actors, directors, composers and radio personalities.
Sisto Entertainment & Business Law Services Inc. (“SEBLS”) is a boutique law office that provides legal counsel to media and entertainment industry clients in all aspects of the development, production, financing, licensing and distribution of film, television, book publishing, legit theatre, music and new media. SEBLS provides production counsel to and assists producers with drafting and negotiating literary option/acquisition agreements, talent agreements, rights clearance agreements, broadcast licenses, sales agency, distribution and other exploitation agreements.
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