Tonya Kappes
USA TODAY Bestselling Author

USA Today Bestselling Author, Tonya Kappes writes humorous cozy mystery and women’s fiction that involves quirky characters in quirky situations.
Not only have her novels made the USA Today bestsellers list, but they are an Amazon Top 100 author, Amazon Movers and Shakers, and International bestsellers.
You can follow Tonya Kappes here
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Thrilled to share my interview with USA TODAY bestselling author and judge for World’s Best Story Tonya Kappes.
What are the ingredients for a blockbuster story to you
Great question! Amazing cover because it’s the first thing the reader sees and gets their attention. A great storyline with characters readers can relate to is the key!
What story has influenced your life
My own 😉
What writer would you consider a mentor
Hmm…I really don’t have one. I took the bull by the horns and held on!
What story do you enjoy reading over and over again
Anything by Agatha Christie!
Do you have any advice to aspiring writers
Write, write, write. There is nothing they can do with a blank page. Writers write, not dream of it.
Do you recall how your interest in writing originated
I’m a reader and I would make up my own endings to the novels I as reading.
When you got the four book deal from NY Publishing house HarperCollins, how did it feel
It’s interesting really. I thought I was going to go nuts and really get validation for my work, but that didn’t happen. I’m so grateful and excited for the deal. And they have been amazing to work with. Perfect in fact. When I look back, I get validation for my work when I get emails from readers telling me how my books got them through deaths, divorces, hard times, or even when they had a great day and reading one of my books gave them a perfect ending to their day. That is validation!
How would you increase literacy
There is nothing more powerful than meeting an author who really love reaching readers! I have been in many different situations that weren’t book related and converted NON-readers (gasp…the thought!) to readers! They connected with me as a person and decided to pick up a Tonya Kappes mystery. I LOVE those emails that tell me I inspired them to start reading and escape into a world of fiction. LOVE THAT!
If you were given the power to become invisible for one day, what would you do
I CAN’T TELL YOU THAT…just in case it does come true and you see the act on the National News…it would be amazing and AWESOME though 😉
If heaven exists, what is the first thing you would like to hear from God when you arrive at the Pearly Gates
Seriously…you had to pick killing people as your life’s passion?
If you could grant someone one wish, who would it be Why
I would give HAPPINESS to anyone! Happiness is the key to a full life. With happiness the Universe is aligned and you get whatever your heart desires. sigh….
If you were given 5000$ and told you have one day to spend it, what would you buy
I would have to invest it in one of my guys college tuition…I have three that will be in college at the same time….I HAVE TO SELL MORE BOOKS!!
USA Today Bestselling Author, Tonya Kappes writes humorous cozy mystery and women’s fiction that involves quirky characters in quirky situations.
Not only have her novels made the USA Today bestsellers list, but they are an Amazon Top 100 author, Amazon Movers and Shakers, and International bestsellers.
You can find out more about Tonya and her books by visiting her @