28 Of The Best Quotes About Dads From Books - Worlds Best Story

28 Of The Best Quotes About Dads From Books

15 Jun 2018

1. “No one is ever quite ready; everyone is always caught off guard. Parenthood chooses you. And you open your eyes, look at what you’ve got, say “Oh, my gosh,” and recognize that of all the balls there ever were, this is the one you should not drop. It’s not a question of choice.”
― Marisa de los Santos, Love Walked in

2. “My dad once told me life would get complicated when I grew up. I’m guessing this isn’t what he meant. My mom, on the other hand, agreed with him, and I’m guessing this kind of thing is exactly what she meant.”
― Susan Ee, World After

3. “My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me.”
― Jim Valvano

4. “Listen to me, kitten. Win or lose, you’ll always be a princess to me.”
― Kiera Cass, The Selection

5. “Let me say for now that we knew once the Creation was broken, true fathering would be much more lacking than mothering. Don’t misunderstand me, both are needed- but an emphasis on fathering is necessary because of the enormity of its absence”
― William Paul Young, The Shack

6. “It’s rally bad when dads cry.”
― Sarah Ockler, Twenty Boy Summer

7. “You’re not gay, are you?
I mean you’ve never had a boyfriend. And you’re not exactly…girly.
I’m not gay. I’m just unpopular.”
― Kristin Walker, A Match Made in High School

8. “Dear Deborah,

Words do not come easily for so many men. We are taught to be strong, to provide, to put away our emotions. A father can work his way through his days and never see that his years are going by. If I could go back in time, I would say some things to that young father as he holds, somewhat uncertainly, his daughter for the very first time. These are the things I would say:

When you hear the first whimper in the night, go to the nursery leaving your wife sleeping. Rock in a chair, walk the floor, sing a lullaby so that she will know a man can be gentle.

When Mother is away for the evening, come home from work, do the babysitting. Learn to cook a hotdog or a pot of spaghetti, so that your daughter will know a man can serve another’s needs.

When she performs in school plays or dances in recitals, arrive early, sit in the front seat, devote your full attention. Clap the loudest, so that she will know a man can have eyes only for her.

When she asks for a tree house, don’t just build it, but build it with her. Sit high among the branches and talk about clouds, and caterpillars, and leaves. Ask her about her dreams and wait for her answers, so that she will know a man can listen.

When you pass by her door as she dresses for a date, tell her she is beautiful. Take her on a date yourself. Open doors, buy flowers, look her in the eye, so that she will know a man can respect her.

When she moves away from home, send a card, write a note, call on the phone. If something reminds you of her, take a minute to tell her, so that she will know a man can think of her even when she is away.

Tell her you love her, so that she will know a man can say the words.

If you hurt her, apologize, so that she will know a man can admit that he’s wrong.

These seem like such small things, such a fraction of time in the course of two lives. But a thread does not require much space. It can be too fine for the eye to see, yet, it is the very thing that binds, that takes pieces and laces them into a whole.

Without it, there are tatters.

It is never too late for a man to learn to stitch, to begin mending.

These are the things I would tell that young father, if I could.

A daughter grown up quickly. There isn’t time to waste.

I love you,
― Lisa Wingate, Dandelion Summer

9. “I always wondered why God was supposed to be a father,” she whispers. Fathers always want you to measure up to something. Mothers are the ones who love you unconditionally, don’t you think?”
― Jodi Picoult

10. “Father has a strengthening character like the sun and mother has a soothing temper like the moon.”
― Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

11. “A great father is one whose children look up to him rather than away from him.”
― Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons

12. “I cannot imagine how much I must’ve suffered in my previous lives to be fortunate enough to have parents like you in this life.” ― Kamand Kojouri


13. “I’m so proud of you that it makes me proud of me. I hope you know that.”
― John Green, Will Grayson, Will Grayson

14. “When you’re a kid all you know is that your dad puts on his suit or overalls and vanishes from your life until nightfall. Sometimes my pops came back exhausted and scarlet-eyed, as if he’d been engaged in a low wattage war someplace.”
― Craig Davidson, Cataract City

15. “Not every Father is a Dad..”
― Brighton Mabuya

16. “I’ve survived revolution, war, and over a decade on this continent,” the Burgrave reflected. “But by all the ghosts of the hundred emperors, I think fatherhood will finally do me in.”
― Anthony Ryan, The Waking Fire


17. “dad had to…
…work three jobs he had to
give his time off to sleep
instead of knowing me”
― Vivek Shraya, Even this Page is White

18. “Don’t ever fall in love, princess. It hurts too damn much.”
― C.C. Hunter, Whispers at Moonrise

19. “What else can you tell me?” Dad stares at me. “What have you learned while you were awake?”
I learned that life is so, so fragile. I learned that you can know someone for just days and never forget the impression he left on you. I learned that art can be beautiful and sad at the same time. I learned that if someone loves you, he’ll wait for you to love him back. I learned that how much you want something doesn’t determine whether you get it or not, that “no” might not be enough, that life isn’t fair, that my parents can’t save me, that maybe no one can. “Nothing much,” I mutter.”
― Beth Revis, Shades of Earth

20. “I don’t remember his face or the place we ate. I only remember how he grabbed my hand and his voice when he spoke of his dad.”
― Dominic Riccitello

21. “Your father doesn’t fucking play games. you would never come home with a shamrock tattoo in that house.”
― Tina Fey, Bossypants

22. “Beautiful is the man who leaves a legacy that of shared love and life. It is he who transfers meaning, assigns significance and conveys in his loving touch the fine art and gentle shaping of a life. This man shall be called, Father.” ― Stella Payton

23. “The best way to encourage your children is to let them know you are praying for them.”
― Jim George, A Dad After God’s Own Heart: Becoming the Father Your Kids Need

24. “Evan no longer tells people I fight bad guys for a living. When asked, he tells his friends that his dad talks on the phone a lot and vacuums on occasion.”
― David Bellavia, House to House: An Epic Memoir of War


25. “My Dad has been a feminist, way before I learnt how to spell the word.”
― Shahla Khan

26. “He was a father. That’s what a father does.Eases the burdens of those he loves.Saves the ones he loves from painful last images that might endure for a lifetime.” – Tenth of December by George Saunders

27. “Why do men like me want sons?” he wondered. “It must be because they hope in their poor beaten souls that these new men, who are their blood, will do the things they were not strong enough nor wise enough nor brave enough to do. It is rather like another chance at life; like a new bag of coins at a table of luck after your fortune is gone.” – Cup of Gold by John Steinbeck

28. “Sometimes I think my papa is an accordion. When he looks at me and smiles and breathes, I hear the notes.”
– The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

Vincent Salera

Founder @ World's Best Story™ amplifier of creativity & fun!