5 Great Ways To Get Past Writer's Block - Worlds Best Story

5 Great Ways To Get Past Writer’s Block

19 Apr 2017

As a writer, there’s nothing more frustrating – and more common – than writer’s block. That feeling when you just can’t get started, or you just don’t know where to start, is something we’ve all dealt with on numerous occasions and it’s that one thing we’re all almost guaranteed to experience from time to time.

There are a ton of old wives tales as to how to rid yourself of the dreaded writer’s block, but here are some handy tips that we’ve found to be quite successful. Good luck!

1. Go for a walk

Nothing gets the mind moving like when your blood is pumping. Writers by nature are stuck in chairs at computers for the vast majority of the time, and it’s very easy to forget to get up, stretch and just move. If you’re feeling a little drained, consider getting some fresh air (weather permitting, of course) and go for a walk in the great outdoors. You never know, you might just get inspired.

2. Set achievable goals

Expectation is a close cousin of disappointment, and it’s a surefire way to kill any writer’s mood. One simple trick to get things moving each day is to set super small, achievable goals to give yourself something to work towards. For example, if you put pressure on yourself to write three incredible chapters per day, you’ll be sorely disappointed, and quickly. If you only aim to write one super average page per day, there’s almost no way you can fail. Just start writing with no expectations, and soon enough you’ll find you’ve written a single page and think “Well, I’m here now, and even if it’s crap I’ll just keep on going.” And in no time you’ll have written a ton more than you ever anticipated. Even if only a portion of it is usable, it’s better than nothing at all!

3. Get inspired

Sure, it’s easier said than done but as a writer, we have a bunch of other creatives around us who could be an inspiration. Look into other creative mediums – listen to music that moves you, watch a movie that sparks an emotion, read a book outside of your genre, or even go an art gallery. There’s so much creativity around that we sometimes need a nudge to look up and pay attention.

4. Freewrite

This one might be a no-brainer but it’s a classic trick that really works! Get a piece of paper (or a fresh Word document if you’re a techie), and just write anything and everything that comes into your head. A complete stream of consciousness. Eventually, you’ll stumble onto an idea or at least something that could spark an idea. If it gets you writing, then it’s most certainly a good thing.

5. Talk with someone who inspires you

Another great way to get your brain moving is to find someone who inspires you – whether it’s a friend, colleague or interviewee – and just talk with them. If nobody comes to mind or are reachable, why not contact someone you’ve always wanted to interview and write a story on them for your blog, which of course will require you to phone or meet them to have a conversation? There’s a lot to be said for an intelligent exchange of ideas to break out of writer’s block.

Vincent Salera

Founder @ World's Best Story™ amplifier of creativity & fun!