7 Things You Can To Do Grow Your Writing Career - Worlds Best Story

7 Things You Can To Do Grow Your Writing Career

17 Jul 2017

When it comes to creative people, the actual act of creation tends to be the easiest part. The difficulties arise when the business and promotional side kicks in, and in today’s world where the vast majority of authors are working independently without a publisher or agent, it can be tough to know where to put your energy to actually promote your work. Here are a few places you can start.

1. Enter A Writing Contest

Of course, you already knew we’d have this at #1. But it’s true! Where else can you expose your writing to thousands of readers and fellow writers, celebrity judges (like Best Selling authors) and potential publishers, along with TV and film decision makers? There’s nothing to lose by submitting; worst case, you get some constructive feedback you can use to make your manuscript even better!

2. Grow Your Social Media

The best free way to reach the most people in 2017 is via social, and there’s no shortage of opportunities for writers in this booming realm. By building and engaging your audience, you can generate a vast number of readers and fans who will follow you wherever you go, driving sales and demonstrating that you’re self-sufficient with regard to generating interest from your followers.

3. Get Your Blog On

You’re a writer, so blogging should come naturally! Aside from your actual work, why not blog about the art of writing, the ups and downs of being a writer, how to overcome sticking points, or even how to grow your writing career? 😉 If you can help other writers better themselves, it positions you as a thought leader in your field which only helps build your reputation.

4. Write Columns And Editorials

Another great way to build your name is to write for other publications, particularly regular columns or editorials. This type of writing humanizes the author far beyond anything their work would (for the most part), as it allows the writer to break character and deliver personal thoughts on issues where fans can see a whole other side to you, giving them a new appreciation for your work.

5. Look For Speaking Opportunities

While this might not be everyone’s cup of tea, speaking at events or conferences can strongly grow your reputation and authority as a writer. There’s almost nothing more prestigious you can do than give a presentation as a guest speaker at an event, so always look for any opportunity to do so, no matter how nervous public speaking may make you. Start by doing it for free, and then watch the offers roll in!

6. Write An E-Book

This isn’t referring to your masterpiece; but as most information is available for free on the internet these days, giving something smaller away will be like the bait on the hook for potential readers and fans. When you release your first big book, they’ll be more interested as you would have already given them, perhaps, a collection of short stories in the form of an e-book. This also goes hand in hand with columns and editorials. Get people to fall in love with you and your writing before asking them to part with their hard earned cash.

7. Connect With Book Stores

The last bastion of the real world are book stores and although they’re dropping like flies, it may be worth attempting to connect with some local shops and see what can come of it. Perhaps they’ll stock some of your independent work, or they’ll let you throw a reading event. Either way, there are still a lot of people who relish the opportunity to visit actual stores full of books and that’s a community you could tap into.

Vincent Salera

Founder @ World's Best Story™ amplifier of creativity & fun!