7 Ways You Can Make Reading Part Of Your Busy Schedule - Worlds Best Story

7 Ways You Can Make Reading Part Of Your Busy Schedule

17 May 2017

We all have high aspirations to read as many books as we can, but the reality is that life can get the better of us. Whether it’s work, family, hobbies or a social life, sometimes it’s just difficult to clear out some time in our hectic schedule to get our read on.

Fret never, fellow bibliophiles, here are some sure fire ways to ensure you can squeeze in a few moments to bask in some bookish glory.

1. Books Over Articles

Instead of hitting up your browser to devour those articles you’ve been putting off reading, why not grab a book and jump in a beanbag? While the articles you’re reading online may be informative and often helpful, it’s all about priorities. Catch up on Buzzfeed or soak up some Hemingway? Your choice.

2. Speed Read

This technique isn’t for everyone but it’s certainly a great way to get a head start (or is it catch up?) on your reading. While it’s been said that speed reading is more akin to skimming than actually reading, it’s an idea to help you get through something if you’re short on time. Just don’t expect a ton of comprehension.

3. Borrow, Borrow, Borrow

There’s no bigger motivator to complete a task when you owe somebody something. Whether it’s from the library or a friend, if you borrow a book – or even better, a few books – you’ll most definitely have an additional push to not slack on your reading! There’s nothing worse than an annoyed friend or a library fine.

4. Go Digital

Perhaps it’s the old school ‘paper’ technology that’s holding you back? Why not look into an e-reader and load it up with your faves? It’s lightweight, the batteries last forever, and you can technically take thousands of books with you everywhere you go. Nary a spare moment will go by when you can’t pull it out and get a few pages in.

5. Double Fist

We’re not talking about drinks here, folks. While this could actually slow some people down, reading two or more books at once can help get you moving. Why not read different books in different places? One for right before bed and one for the train to work? It’s also a really good way to switch things up and keep it fresh. It’s like watching multiple TV series at once, and we all do that.

6. Bedtime Reading

Speaking of reading in bed, consider making grabbing a book a part of your nightly routine. Reading before bed helps let your mind relax and unwind from your busy day, and if it’s a fiction book, it truly helps you escape into something besides your daily concerns.

7. Join A Book Club

Oprah made these cool in the ’90s, and it’s still a great way to not only be forced to read with a deadline, but you also get to discuss the book with other like-minded people. And you’ll probably make some new friends in the process!

Vincent Salera

Founder @ World's Best Story™ amplifier of creativity & fun!