Help Paul Hollis Choose His Cover - Worlds Best Story

Help Paul Hollis Choose His Cover

09 Jul 2015

Hey everyone, the great folks at Fastpencil WaveCrest did such a great job with the covers for our 2014 2nd place winner Paul Hollis’s book The Hollow Man that he needs some help in choosing which one to pick. Please let us know if you prefer Cover A or Cover B in the comments section and stay tuned for the official launch later this month!


TA terrorist’s plot, the assassination of a prime minister, holds the key to an apocalyptic plan to destroy Europe’s economy. It’s impossible to stop, but one man doesn’t know enough to think the world can’t be saved.

He’s no hero; not clever or capable, talented or tested. The Hollow Man is just trying to survive in an uncertain climate where terrorism is changing the rules of how we live.

Vincent Salera

Founder @ World's Best Story™ amplifier of creativity & fun!