Hi there! My name is
Katherine Bogle
Saint John, Canada

Princess Haven is immortal. She has survived drowning, blunt force trauma and even an arrow to the heart. But when the mortality of her friends and family is threatened by war and the evil Queen leading it, Haven is powerless. Will Haven rise to the occasion and lead her kingdom to safety or make a daring last stand? Their existence is at stake.
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Sanctum is the story of a powerful woman who will not give up, no matter how many misfortunes befall her. A novel full of romance, hope, action and with a unique twist on classic superhero tales. The characters alone aren’t your average mary-sues, and with superhero franchises at an all time high, it’s about time they be explored from a new angle!
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As a huge lover of Sci-fi, Fantasy, and Adventure, Katherine Bogle has always had a great admiration for superheroes. A recent college graduate, half of her time is spent at a mundane day job, while the other cannot wait to be a full time writer. Having had a flare for the creative most of her life, Katherine loves all things artistic, including drawing, digital painting, and photography. Her passion, however, lies between the pages of her books, where she tries to bring every character to life.