Denver Batiste - Worlds Best Story
Denver Batiste

Hi there! My name is

Denver Batiste

Calhoun, USA

This Story's Blockbuster Potential Score


What if the relationship between the 12 Apostles and Christ as detailed in the New Testament wasn’t true? What if it was all fabricated to hide what really happened? What if the beloved disciples, instead of walking the path of righteousness and representing the Twelve Tribes of Israel were in fact the very first vampires to roam the Earth? And it

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About Me

Denver has always had a strange fascination with vampires, and wanted to write a story that steered away from the traditional “I vant to suck your blaaahhhd” genre that has sorely been played to the extreme. So she wrote a book, merging her two passions, vampire lore and Biblical characters to break away from the humdrum, biting on the neck, look into my eyes, nonsense that has been the staple of all vampire tales.