Hi there! My name is
Liz Long
Roanoke, USA

Run away to the Donovan Circus and see acts under the Big Top like never before. “Like X-Men meets the circus with a murder mystery,” GIFTED will enthrall readers as they delve into the superpower-filled circus and discover that its history might actually destroy the entire gifted world.
And you thought all the drama was in the center ring…
About Me
Liz Long is a proud graduate of Longwood University with a BA in English. Her inspiration comes from action and thriller genres and she spends entirely too much time watching superhero movies. Her fabulous day job as a Social Media & PR Strategist includes writing for a magazine publisher in Roanoke, VA. She also owns her own social media consulting business, is PR Coordinator for national book conference UTOPiAcon, and is co-chair of Roanoke Author Invasion.