Elizabeth Wootton - Worlds Best Story
Elizabeth Wootton

Hi there! My name is

Elizabeth Wootton

Northumberland, United_kingdom

This Story's Blockbuster Potential Score


A father disappears and Lucas Sforza, the older sibling of the Sforza family leaves to find him and bring him home.

Read sample chapter

About Me

there’s a huge world out there and we should explore it, plus i need my creavitity to get me through the day

Favorite Things

Charity RSPCA
Coffee Nescafe
Book Inkheart
Superhero Black Widow
Movie The AmityVille Horror
App Youtube
Video Game Kingdom Hearts
Musical Jekyll and Hyde
Ice Cream Chocolate Fudge

Q&A with Vincent

How would you increase literacy?

I would increase literacy by working on improving my writing and creating a plot that is both enticing as well as realistic.

What are the ingredients for a blockbuster story to you?


Suspense, maybe even some romance.

A few thrilling scenes to keep the audience on the edge of their seat

What are your top stories that entertain and/or inspire you?

Fire and Hemlock-it was due to this book I wrote my first short story.

Inkheart-the idea that writing can be a magical experience that brings whole worlds to life was just inspiring to me.

Do you have any advice to aspiring writers?

Yes, you're not gonna get the first perfect plot on your first try, you have to keep writing and revising your plot. It may be tough but don't give up.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

I began writing at a young age but it was mostly fanfictions, it was when I got older that I started wanting to create my own stories as well as my own characters. It hasn't been an easy road but my interest in writing hasn't waned.