Hi there! My name is
Alan Lane
Hermitage road, United_kingdom

The series is written as a monologue combined with a narrative.
The first episode
INAPPROPRIATE HUMOUR details a double kidnap and bomb incident in Northern Ireland in the 1980s.
The second episode
YOURE A BETTER MAN THAN I AM, GUNGA DIN addresses Burrell͛s character and takes the story back to his teenage years, explaining how he was forced to enlist as a Magistrate͛s Soldier.
The story covers his battle with authority and his gradual growth toward being a soldier. During the monologue, an unknown voice asks questions.
The final episode
LESSONS ON HOW TO ACT IN PUBLIC reveals the voice is that of a psychologist, as Burrell undergoes therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder. Further dramatic episodes in Burrell͛s Army service are brought to the surface. As the tale takes a huge, unexpected turn, can Burrell stay in the Army or must he face the terrifying prospect of being invalided out?
About the author.
Although all of the incidents are based on actual events as I can recall them or as they were narrated to me, only a few actually happened to me. I served with the Royal Anglians as a driver and Close Quarters Combat (CQC) instructor in the early eighties. Later, I was part of aid missions to Eastern Europe and saw things that will always stay with me. Writing this work has been my therapy.
About Me
My pen name is Guy Burrell, I’m a Grandad, Karate and CQC expert who rides a ridiculously big motorcycle and plays guitar in a folk rock band. Occasionally seen in Hollywood blockbusters whilst studying for a Masters in computer science. Sometimes I write….
Favorite Things
Charity | RMC | |
Coffee | Strong, often | |
Book | Gladiator | |
Superhero | Nope | |
Movie | Gladiator | |
App | www.casting.me | |
Video Game | Absolutely nope. | |
Musical | Tommy | |
Ice Cream | Not fussed. |
Q&A with Vincent
How would you increase literacy?Practice.
What are the ingredients for a blockbuster story to you?Twist it, preferable often.
What are your top stories that entertain and/or inspire you?Catch 22.
Do you have any advice to aspiring writers?Write what you know/are Throw down words, hard and fast as they come to you. Go back later and refine.
Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?My partner was fed up with my absent minded repetitions of my tall tales and made me write them down. Mostly for her own sanity.