Hi there! My name is
Buqe Rh
Tetovë, Macedonia

The Tavern is a deeply philosophical story centered around Nina Simone and her boss, Eddy. Nina was a lonely woman who longed for the nothingness she once felt, and Eddy was the man who gave her the courage to live again. But their love was not a romantic love; rather, it was a love shared by two people who had been touched by death.
For, as Nina put it, “Eddy showed me that I wasn’t alone in this madness we call life. I simply knew more than the others, and this thought comforted me because I knew that my truth would become their truth someday. Nothing would be the same once they tasted death; they’d no longer fear it because they’d know it was a gift. This truth set me free.”
Ideas like this are the center point of the story, and they really make you look at life and death in a different, more abstract light. How does one find the courage to live once they’ve tasted the sweetness of death? That’s the true goal of The Tavern; to teach you how to look beyond your sorrows and find the beauty of life once more.

Dr. Mind is the true story of how I used positive thinking to change my life.
When diagnosed with an incurable disease, you learn that most of the thing we worry about aren’t really that important at all. Everything falls away as you realize that life is the most wonderful gift of all. You become aware of every breath you take and every second you spend as one thought rings through your mind: How can I make it right?
The answer is by taking control of the power that is within you. Changing the way you think about a situation is often the most powerful thing you can do, and Dr. Mind is just the guide to get you started on your journey.
After all, there is nothing in the world more important than a healthy You.