Hi there! My name is
Prem Gandhi
Mumbai, India

1. “A Thorny Ride” is a story of a sexual attack on a women and the trauma faced by her.It gives an insight into our society and the treatment meted out to the victims of sexual assault. Our society looks down upon these victims like criminals and does not accept them.
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What happens when our protectors turn out to be tormentors. They attack or kill innocents citizens on the name of security and terrorism. It is a story of young boy and his love. It is a story of his hatred, and revenge. He with the help of his former girl friend proves his innocence and punish those cruel cops who killed his innocent wife.
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My name is Prem Gandhi and I am an Indian and live in Mumbai/Thane. By profession I am an Engineer and a tutor.Writing is my hobby and passion. I wanted to write since last fifteen years but it is said that nothing can be earned before time and may be this is the right time.I am 54.
I have completed three fiction novels and another two fictions are in process